Why Giving Chores to Children Can Be Beneficial

While childhood may seem like a time to withhold the various responsibilities adults deal with, it can be the perfect time to mold younger generations with the fulfillment of getting a task done. While many adults may not enjoy having to complete various chores around the house, for a young child, these mundane tasks are quite interesting. Personally, I do not enjoy loading and unloading the washer and dryer. I was surprised when my three-year-old asked if he could “help Mommy.” What would have been a much quicker activity became a slightly longer, yet enjoyable process. I loved watching my son wrap his small arms around the wet laundry and push it with all his might into the dryer. This enthusiasm was clearly infectious in that, a few moments later, my five-year-old ran in to watch us pour liquid detergent into a small cup – which I later allowed her to pour into the basin. 

While I may be on board for assigning my two children regular chores to complete around the house, there is still some debate regarding this topic. Many parents want to preserve childhood as long as possible, citing the adage, “let kids be kids.” While others may view children to be less capable, preferring to finish the housework as efficiently as possible. Yes, it would have been a much quicker laundry session if I had told them to leave, but I am glad I did not. While these arguments do hold weight, they also overlook the many positive benefits of giving kids chores. Curious to read more and decide where you fall within this debate? Read on for five of the many reasons why assigning daily household chores may be an excellent responsibility to give to your young ones. 

Reason #1: Assigning chores teaches responsibility. Assigning your children regular chores helps them to become self-reliant, a trait that is crucial to have in later years. By simply asking children to clean their room or clear off their own dinner plate, parents can help children feel proud of themselves after completing a household task. They will also take immense pride in doing something that usually the “adults handle.” 

Reason #2: Learning a new chore can help instill organizational skills in younger generations. My children were very curious about the process of cleaning our dinner plates. From taking their dirty plates to the trashcan to scrape off leftover food, to washing it off in the sink, to finally loading it into the dishwasher, this entire process was captivating for them when they were younger. By teaching your little ones that most daily tasks require a specific process, it naturally helps them learn how to organize and follow specific orders. 

Reason #3: Chores can help build a strong work ethic. Being responsible for various tasks around the house helps naturally establish a strong work ethic. This is a character trait valued later by teachers and bosses. Completing various household chores can be rewarded through an allowance or TV time. Paying children for a job well done can also spark an ambitious spirit, inspiring them to work outside the house once they reach their teens.

Reason #4: Learning new chores can strengthen bonds between generations. While many may view daily chores as a waste of time for children to learn, many older generations would love to help teach specific ones. I know my own children wanted to learn exactly how to fold laundry, especially socks, after watching their “Abu” (this is a nickname for their Abuela, their Peruvian grandmother). Older generations often take pride in teaching younger children how to do daily chores which can result in a bonding experience. 

Reason #5: Time management skills taught. Whether it is rising early to help make up their beds or making sure they have enough time to take their dog out for an evening stroll, each household chore requires a set time and pace. Learning how much time they must have to do such tasks will help children overall. When children become teenagers, they will have multiple schoolwork deadlines, housework and social lives. Learning how to manage their time early on will help them set priorities later and manage their time.


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