November 2020 “From the Heart”

November and Thanksgiving always make us take pause to think of the things we are grateful for.  And while it’s great to focus on gratitude this month, I contend we should always be thankful. An “attitude of gratitude” is one of my biggest life’s mantras. I am grateful for breath each morning I wake.  I am grateful for the people in my life that God chose for me to love.  I am grateful for sunny days, birds that grace my feeders every day, delicious food to sustain me and a home to protect me. I am grateful to live in a community such as this and especially grateful for all the folks who read Forsyth Family Magazine!

Well, the long-awaited 2020 election is upon us and I will certainly be grateful for the end of all the political ads!  I know it’s a necessary evil, but I’m tired of the mudslinging.  I’m ready for the country to put aside all this divisiveness and work together as humankind.  I recently saw a bumper sticker that said “Humankind—Be Both!”  Isn’t that the truth!!  Here’s to being both in 2021—and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!

My husband and I recently checked another trip off our bucket list.  Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Badlands, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and a buffalo round-up at Custer Park.  It’s amazing all you can see and do in a week: five states and 2000 miles in a rental car.  Seriously though, it really was a trip of a lifetime and an overload of beauty!  It was my first trip traveling through the Midwest and only made me hungry for more.  Where to next?

November features the offices of Chermak & Hanson Orthodontics, an advertiser that has been with us from almost the beginning.  Both my daughters have lovely smiles, thanks to them!  If you’re looking for an orthodontist, be sure to check them out!  Another issue filled with good things from our community!

This marks the eighth “From the Heart” I have written since COVID-19. I pray you and your family stay safe and, for now, wear a mask!  And vote, did I say that already?




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