Minute For Your Minister: What’s Your Pastor’s Batting Average?

Did you know that the record for the highest batting average in Major League Baseball still belongs to outfielder Ty Cobb? He had an average of .366 over twenty-four seasons. That means that for every ten times at bat, he only succeeded in getting on base a little more than three times. 

While most of us strive for perfection, the truth is, other than Jesus, no one is perfect. Not even your pastor. But, there are lots of people in your church who expect him to “bat a thousand” every Sunday. Not only must he face his own inner critic, he has folks in his congregation who are quick to let him know if he does or says something in error.

Why not be the one in your church who, instead of holding your pastor to an unrealistic ideal, supports and encourages him without condition?


This “Minute for Your Minister” is brought to you by Energize Ministries-providing encouragement, refreshment and recreation for your pastors and ministry leaders. For more ideas about encouraging your pastor, visit energizeministries.com. You can also find out about ongoing contests and opportunities on the Energize facebook page: facebook.com/energizeministries.



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