From the Heart: February 2019

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Its time for that wonderful little holiday tucked in between New Year’s and Easter. While some scoff at this day, I love celebrating it!  There are all kinds of excuses for those Valentine naysayers!  “Retailers made up this holiday to make money” or “I prefer to show love all year long, not just on one day.” Well, I say, it’s the thought that counts, not the cost, and even so, purchase something from a local business and help stimulate our local economy.  And duh, of course, you should show love all year long, but there’s nothing wrong with showing a little extra love on cupid’s day.  Who doesn’t have fond memories in elementary school of making Valentine mailboxes (or bags in my case—we’re going way back when we talk about elementary school for me!)? The excitement of opening those valentines from that special friend or the cute boy or girl you secretly liked! So show a little love to those you care about on this sweet little holiday and make someone’s day a little more special!

Salem Gymnastics & Swim is our cover story this month.  Beth and her staff have created an amazing place for your children to be active and have fun.  They are always one of our most well-attended Kids’ Morning Out events—be sure to mark your calendars for March! This February issue features our 2nd installment of the Prom issues to help you create the prom of your dreams.  Next month we’ll start our Summer Camp Showcase to help parents plan a fun-filled summer!

As always, thank you for reading Forsyth Family Magazine,and many thanks to our advertisers who make it all possible!




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