Recycling Reminders

Spring has sprung. Warm weather has returned, flowers are blooming, and it is time to celebrate the Earth and its beauty. Environmental protection is important all year around, but April […]

Plants’ Superpower, Critter Repellent

Behold the extraordinary plant! Introducing the daffodil, petunia, and sunflower!  These three flowers are by no means as unremarkable as you may believe! They have, along with other flowers and […]

Essential Uses of Natural Household Items

The sensation feels like an itch, a calling to delve into the far corners of the house and clean! It may begin with your wardrobe—a transition from heavy, dark fabrics […]

Homeownership Trivia

Who doesn’t love some trivia? It’s as American as apple pie! After all, Jeopardy has been a household favorite since 1964 (no, Alex Trebek wasn’t the original host!), and Trivial […]

The Indoor Edible Garden

On witnessing empty shelving and limited access to produce last spring, many people started thinking about gardening.  Growing food can be a magical experience if you have three conditions, sunlight, […]

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