Winston-Salem DASH Why Families Love the Dash!

There’s nothing like a summer night at BB&T Ballpark for you and your family. If you’re a Winston-Salem Dash fan, you know the fun of a game, but in case […]
Playground Etiquette 101

With spring in the air, I recently took my kids to a local playground. It’s been years since we had an outing like this, yet while I was there, I […]
Ladder Certificates to Keep Money Growing

Where do certificates fit into your overall portfolio? It all depends on the time frame, risk tolerance and goals you have for your savings. A certificate is issued by a […]
The Winston-Salem Ambassadors Sharing the spirit of our city!

One of the area’s most active and inspirational non-profit groups, the Winston-Salem Ambassadors was founded in December 2016, with a clear mission of binding the past, present, and future, to […]
Keep On the Sunny Side: Psalm 121

I’ve always said I was privileged to be called into vocational ministry in serving God’s Kingdom, Church and World. Some weeks, I feel the joy of that privilege more than […]
My Grace-Full Life: Lessons from a Kite

I always wanted to fly a kite. Thanks to the expectations established by Mary Poppins, I thought it seemed a wonderful experience. However, I remember being sorely disappointed when I tried […]
Minute For Your Minister: April Fool’s

Since the 1500s, April First has been celebrated as April Fool’s Day when jokes, pranks and hoaxes are played on the unsuspecting. Victims who fall for them are called April […]
Tami’s Devotion: GROWING ROOM

When my kids were little, I used to buy their shoes ½ size too big. I knew their feet were going to grow, so I bought their shoes a little […]
Do You Have Any Questions?

So, I tell you to ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. ~Luke 11:9 When you need information […]
The View from My Section – A Father’s Perspective Taking Chances

On Sunday, February 4th, 2018, the Philadelphia Eagles were playing the New England Patriots in Super Bowl 52. The Patriots were a favorite to win their third Super Bowl in […]