Do You Have Any Questions?

So, I tell you to ask, and you will receive.

Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.

 ~Luke 11:9

When you need information or you want to learn about something, or there is a mystery to solve, asking questions is very important. “Mom, why can’t I watch that movie?” “Dad, when will you let me get a drone?” “Hey! Who ate the last piece of cake?”

A detective or a reporter is always looking for answers: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? As you learn more about God and the Bible, you should ask questions, too. Let’s try it! Here’s a short verse from 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

“Never stop praying.”

You could ask: “What is prayer?” You might say, “Praying is talking to God.” Or “Praying is when you listen to God.” Can you think of any other answers?

Now try these questions about praying:

  • Who can pray?
  • When do we pray?
  • Where can we pray?
  • Why do we pray?
  • How can we pray? 

Questions aren’t just for prayer, of course. The Bible is full of amazing stories that might make us ask lots of questions. How could God make the whole world in just seven days? What was Peter thinking when he stepped out of the boat onto the stormy waters? Where is heaven and who lives there?

Some things seem like a puzzle, and that’s okay, too. Being a Christian or going to Sunday School doesn’t mean that everything is figured out and easy to understand. The Bible says that our lives are guided by what we believe, not by what we see with our eyes (2 Corinthians 5:7). There are times when we just have to say, “Lord, I don’t get it, but I believe you. I’ll keep asking questions. I’ll keep looking and listening for what you have to say.”

The next time you hear or read a Bible story, you can ask questions like the ones below.

  • When did this happen?
  • Who was there?
  • Why is this story in the Bible?
  • What does this story teach me about God?

Life is full of mysteries and surprises, but God knows all about it. Remember: Never stop learning. Keep asking questions. Never stop praying. 


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