Payday offers few rewards when most of your income pays bills. It’s time to assess your expenses and make decisions. Saving money or having available cash may not be that difficult with a new mindset to change old habits!
- Lower the Cable Bill: The average household cable package runs approximately $215 per month. Do you need 200 channels of television programming? One way to save a substantial amount is to start using free or low-cost subscription services.
- Are You Eligible for a Discount? Internet, cell phone providers, and power companies may offer a new rate based on your place of employment, profession, or long-term loyalty as a customer. Ask whether auto-pay offers a discount.
- Shopping for Insurance: It takes time to make phone calls to numerous companies; yet, a quote may lower your bill, especially if you bundle homeowner’s with car insurance!
- Consider a Balance Transfer: A high interest rate often negates the effort of paying off a credit card. One step to avoid extra costs is to shop for either a zero to 2% minimal fee option across 15 to 18 months. Long term, you can consolidate bills, while aiming for financial freedom!
- Question Digital Subscriptions: Rather than continue to pay the bill out of convenience, start asking whether you use music and streaming services, dating apps, and cloud storage? Check your credit card statements to view added expenses.
- Cut Down on Energy Usage: Consider installing a programmable thermostat to establish temperatures when you are asleep or not at home. Additionally, update your lightbulbs by installing LEDs, which are four times as energy-efficient as incandescent bulbs. Moreover, start unplugging unused electrical devices. The effort at home will show up in monthly bills.
- Eliminate Storage: How long have you paid for a storage unit? If years, then perhaps you don’t need it. If you cannot use it, consider selling!
- Natural Verses Chemicals: How much do you spend on laundry detergents? Combining Borax (washing soda) with laundry flakes makes an effective soap without the high cost! The same applies to cleaning products. Start using three inexpensive, natural products—vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice! You’ll save a mint!
- Simplify Your Beauty Regime: While fancy containers and ads may appeal to you, there’s an easier way to have healthy skin. Try a DIY of almond or coconut oil! The research will lead you to a quality alternative!
- Buy Generic: Comparison shopping takes seconds. Rather than choose the brand name you grew up with, compare the ingredients with a generic brand. You’ll discover the only difference is the label and the price!
- Consider Open Box: Online shopping companies feature discounted items from diapers to furniture. While the box may arrive damaged, the goods are in top condition!
- Buy in Bulk: It’s advantageous to purchase items that your family uses frequently; therefore, consider buying sugar, flour, beans, and rice, for instance, in bulk. You can store in stackable, sealable containers.
- Alter Dining Experiences: Eating out with spouses and good friends is a necessary part of togetherness. As you dine together, make it a rule not to order an appetizer and/or alcoholic beverage. You can still have a good time while minimizing the total expense.
- Plan Weekly Meals: Grocery shopping without purpose often leads to a surprising bill. Start planning meals as a family and create a list of ingredients needed. It’s always wise to shop either online or with a list in hand! While saving hundreds of dollars monthly, you’ll know what’s for dinner!
- Pack a Lunch and Drink: The weekly cost adds up when hunger and thirst result in relying on eating out or buying drinks. Keep a few extra snacks in your car in addition to a case of water. It will come in handy during routine or road trips.
- Plant a Garden: For the tomato or cucumber lover, you can invest in pots, barrels, or a raised bed to grow the vegetables you love! Add herbs to a sunny kitchen window or deck. Having food at an arm’s reach can trim the food bill from spring through fall.
Financial records recorded through an online program, spreadsheet, or notebook can help anyone who seeks transparency and long-term savings!
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