“Women Who Care” Thanks the Community for Their Help in Recent Project


What happens on the first nice-weather day after the big snow storm? Community commitment by diverse persons dedicated to collaborating for a common cause—excellent eye care.

Hosted by Women Who Care and the Winston-Salem Twin Host Lions Club, the Lions Club Mobile Eye Screening Unit visited Clemmons United Methodist Church to serve the clients of the Clemmons Food Pantry.

Blood pressure checks and glucose screening were also available, as well as pamphlets with heart-healthy menus and nutrition options, another critical component of eye care.

Women Who Care, a partner of the Clemmons Community Foundation, would like to thank multiple professionals who shared a goal to promote healthy eyesight for all.

Paul Bledsoe, Past President of NC Lions Foundation and Past District Governor of Lions Clubs International District I, and the Winston-Salem Twin Host Lions Club, not only coordinated and donated the stipend to host the Mobile Screening Unit but also facilitated services provided by volunteers and professionals.

Bryan Hoover, the Statewide Coordinator of the NC Lions Mobile Screening Unit that travels to locations throughout NC, set up and dismantled the Mobile Unit, patiently taught volunteers how to use machines and monitored patient care the entire day.

Dr. Kelly Reid of Davis Eye Associates; Dr. Andrew Bradbury of Carolina Center for Eye Care; Dr. Sharhonda Bell Harrill, Eric Kennedy, Sheena and Sara Faude from Eye Care Center on Stratford Road and in Winston-Salem and Dr. Brian Baker from Clemmons provided superb eye exams and further referrals. These compassionate professionals in our community volunteered their time to examine and talk with patients to improve their eye health and to advise the next steps available to each.

Nurses Carlynn Barefoot, Rita Crawford, Steve Puckett and Briana Holt (volunteering on her birthday!) provided critical blood pressure and glucose screenings for patients.

Dr. Mark Hess of the Clemmons Community Foundation and of Storehouse for Jesus assisted in gathering the donated glucose screening kits and blood pressure cuffs.

Paula Christakos of Clemmons Chick-fil-A donated water bottles and lunches, as well as a visit by the Chick-fil-A cow to cheer patients and volunteers.

Patients and volunteers expressed appreciation for the opportunity to engage with a variety of local persons on a beautiful day for an exemplary cause. Women Who Care is grateful for a caring and giving community.

To learn more about the Women Who Care and its commitment to helping families in our community, please attend the next meeting on March 28th, in the Ivy Room at the Village Inn Conference Center, 6:30-7:30 pm. We’ll be painting bowls for the Second Harvest Food Bank Empty Bowls event.



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