Tami’s Devotion: Well Seasoned

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens

~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

When my family and I moved into our home several years ago, it was the middle of winter, and our new yard looked pretty terrible.  Other than a few evergreen shrubs that were badly in need of pruning, everything was dead. I remember looking forward to spring when I’d finally see what the twisted branches shooting up from the ground and off the tree trunks would produce, once the days grew longer and warmer.  Would the tangled-up grapevine actually grow grapes? Would grass grow in the spots that were bare after spending the winter covered by a blanket of leaves? I could only trust that the coming change of season would bring new life in the form of leaves, flowers, and maybe even some fruit to enhance and decorate our new yard.

That’s the beautiful thing about seasons.  We have the assurance that things are not going to stay the way they are now, in our lives and in the environment around us. In the tough, barren seasons of our lives, we can find hope in knowing that it truly is just temporary. The days will become brighter and new things will spring to life and grow.

Change is coming.

Wait for it.

Watch for it.

Believe it.



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