Located in the heart of Forsyth County, Forsyth Family Dental proudly serves its patients through a team effort of unprecedented care and education.
When it comes to issues that matter most, there’s nothing more important than knowledge—and trust! With whitening one of the most common procedures requested by patients, it’s important to educate yourself on the best options available to you and your family. The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry says the most common issue patients would like to improve about their smiles is the whiteness of their teeth. The American Association of Orthodontists also finds nearly 90% of their patients requesting tooth whitening. If your own smile doesn’t sparkle as it used to—you are certainly not alone!
Fact: Teeth lose their brightness for a variety of reasons, from coffee, tea, and red wine stains, where color pigments called chromogens attach to the white enamel, to tobacco use, to simply aging. Over time, the outer enamel grows thinner and more of the yellowish, softer under-layer called dentin begins to show through. Trauma to the mouth area and certain medications can also accelerate discoloration, and in those situations, traditional whitening processes are not effective. Whitening is also not an option with caps, veneers, or crowns. It’s important to explore options with your dentist that best suit your personal situation.
The Options at a Glance
* Stain Removal Toothpastes: Always look for whitening toothpastes that have earned the ADA Seal of Acceptance for stain removal. These products also have additional polishing agents that are safe for teeth—although temporary tooth sensitivity can occur.
* In-Office Bleaching: In some situations, in-office bleaching may be helpful, and that is something to talk to your dentist about. All bleaching requires at-home follow-up, so it’s important to continue to bleach occasionally at home.
* At-Home Bleaching from Your Dentist: Dentists can provide you with a custom-made tray for at-home whitening. with instructions on how to place the bleaching solution into the tray and for what length of time. This is ideal if you feel more comfortable whitening in your own home at a slower pace, but still with the guidance of a dentist. Out-of-office bleaching can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
* Over-the-Counter Bleaching Products: You’ll find varying options online or in grocery stores—toothpastes or whitening strips that bleach your teeth—but the concentration of bleaching agent in these is lower than an in-office procedure. Always look for an over-the-counter kit with the ADA Seal of Acceptance.
Today, it’s also supremely important to understand how the Covid-19 vaccine fits in to your dental care routine. Flossing, fluoride, and the vaccine have something in common: They all prevent disease. While your dental office has been working diligently to put your health and safety first during the pandemic, we now have the Covid-19 vaccine to add to our other tools of wearing masks, washing our hands, and avoiding crowds when possible. At Forsyth Family Dental, we want patients to understand the facts about the vaccine:
* It’s safe and effective.
* You may experience side effects, but it will not make you sick.
* Even if you’ve had Covid-19, get the vaccine!
* Be sure to receive all recommended doses.
* The CDC states there is no evidence the antibodies created from Covid-19 vaccines will cause problems with pregnancy, and no evidence fertility issues are a side effect of receiving the vaccine.
Always with your health and safety in mind, Dr. Charlotte C. Broughton, Dr. Jeffrey M. Gallisdorfer, Dr. Elizabeth D. Corbin, and Dr. Sarah E. Simpson will join their dedicated staff in welcoming you to their practice! Forsyth Family Dental is located at 116 Jonestown Road in Winston-Salem. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call 336-768-7495, e-mail officemanager@broughtondds.com or visit forsythfamilydentalnc.com.