Find Yourself by Serving Others


1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

I truly believe that joy in life is found when we stop making life about us and start making it about other people. Life is so much better when we are loving and serving others!

I was blessed to have the opportunity to mentor a young woman, Ashley, from a local non-profit high school that focuses on giving high-risk youth a second chance. I visited the school as a potential recruiting source for my employer at the time and fell in love with their Christian-based approach to helping youth. From there, I joined their board and got connected with mentoring a student. 

Ashley is an amazing young woman who hasn’t had the advantages in life that many of us have. She has a young son and recently married her son’s dad. I was very involved in planning her wedding – which is a little scary because those who know me are aware that this type of thing is not in my wheelhouse. Something I read said that the Lord doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. That is definitely the case here!

The wedding was held at my church. The event was small and had no budget. However, I think it turned out very nice. Some of my friends and neighbors pitched in to provide food, flowers and decorations. I was amazed by the people that were willing to donate their time, talents and resources. I am blessed with such kind and caring people in my life who would reach out to help someone that they don’t know.

Mentoring and helping this young woman has truly been one of the most meaningful things that I have done in a long time. This experience has helped me to see that “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others” (Mahatma Gandhi).

In 1 Peter 5:5, we are instructed to “put on the apron of humility” to serve one another. 

Jesus measured greatness in terms of service, not by the world’s standards of wealth, power and position. He shaped us for service, not self-centeredness. I know that I’ve been guilty in the past of having excuses for not helping others with some examples below:

  • I don’t have time.
  • I don’t know what to do.
  • I don’t have any special skills to contribute.

There have also been times when I have wanted to help others and be more involved in the community but wasn’t sure what to do or what organizations would be a fit for me. I prayed about it, and I truly believe that God brought me to the school and to Ashley

I feel that I have found my calling to serve where I can use my strengths and maybe leverage other’s strengths as I did with Ashley’s wedding. I hope that I can continue to keep my eyes off myself and focus on loving and helping others. “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”  Philippians 2:4


What are you doing to serve others?

If you are looking for additional opportunities to serve, look around you at your workplace/ community/church. Pray about it if you aren’t sure what to do, and let God lead you to opportunities to serve.  


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