Exploring the Power of Learning a New Language

When it comes to learning a new language, adults may feel they have lost their chance, since past studies showed only children were able to learn languages at a quick and efficient pace. However, this is not entirely true. While children can grasp new languages quickly, it is not to say that adults cannot acquire a new language with similar speed. According to the Medium article, “MIT Scientists prove adults learn language to fluency nearly as well as children,” a recent study by MIT scientists revealed that “adults of any age can obtain incredible mastery nearly as quickly as children.” Data from the study revealed many late English learners outperformed many native English speakers after mastering the language. This was after taking a language test where students needed to score above 90%. 

Another interesting point the study revealed was that it does not matter what your native language is regarding language acquisition. People from any linguistic background have the same capability of learning whatever language they would like to learn. While it may be common to hear “this language is hard to learn” or “that language is so easy,” this data showed this not to be true. “They found that there was little difference in the learning speeds or ultimate attainment.” 

The last point to pull from this study was the period that one should dedicate to picking up a new language. According to the study, one should dedicate at least one year to learning a new language to become “fluent.” As the article states, “After a year of studying, the 20+ year old start group is commonly scoring 80-85% on this incredibly difficult grammar test.” The last 10% of language acquisition one needs to be considered a “native speaker,” may take extra time, but overall, it is incredible one can obtain an entire new language in only a year or less.

With all this said, there is no reason for anyone to now feel like they may be “too old” to learn a new language. On top of feeling great about accomplishing this feat, there are also countless benefits from learning a new language. Read on for the top five reasons why all ages should dive into language acquisition!

Benefit #1: Increase of attention span. With the constant interruptions that today’s life presents us, it is wonderful to know that one can enhance his or her attention by learning a new language. Studies have shown that, while speaking, bilinguals or multilinguals are constantly switching between two or more languages in their head. This constant juggling improves the brain’s ability to focus and ignore irrelevant information. 

Benefit #2: As an older student, access to language may prove to be easier. Since we are not children, it is possible that the language you want to acquire may already be at your fingertips due to experience. Whether it was when you studied abroad for a semester or developed a new friendship with a native speaker of the language, whatever this exposure is can help when one is learning. The brain’s ability to relearn vocabulary words will be faster than somebody encountering them for the first time. 

Benefit #3: Learning a new language can stimulate your brain. The older we get, the more vital it is for all to challenge our minds. According to the University of the Potomac article, “9 Benefits of Learning a Second Language,” there is a specific part of the brain that is most stimulated – your gray matter. This area refers to how many cell bodies and dendrites there are. By being bilingual, your gray matter becomes denser, meaning you have more cells, a clear indication of a healthier brain.

Benefit #4: Creativity will flow when learning begins. As the language acquisition process begins, the student will begin to learn about the culture that coincides with the language. For example, if you are learning Italian, it is only natural for you to want to learn more about Italy and its rich culture. As this process continues, subconsciously this influence will, in part, make you a more original, elaborate and flexible person, hallmarks of a creative person. 

Benefit #5: Self esteem will be boosted. Even for those who do not like to be in the spotlight, the feat of learning a new language is one for all to boast about. It is one incredible accomplishment! Naturally, your self esteem will receive an ample lift, as you are able to communicate with the new language in various scenarios. From taking a trip abroad to the country where the language hails and using it throughout the trip to simply using it at a local restaurant where waiters may be native speakers, all will be impressed with your new skills.


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