Complete Rehab: Five Things to Know!

Brett Duffey and his team at Complete Rehab in Clemmons, NC, call themselves the “neuropathy specialists” for some very good reasons! If you’re struggling with pain, tingling, numbness, or other weaknesses you believe stem from neuropathy issues, or if your current prescribed treatments aren’t offering the relief you expected, make a call to the Clemmons office today. 


The #1 Why: Complete Rehab is approximately a one-hour drive from most Lake Norman communities, and your relief is worth every mile! With over 19 years of experience (that’s approximately 6,000 patients with success!), Complete Rehab strives to zero in on your particular type of neuropathy, and work to relieve, and hopefully eliminate, your symptoms. The out-patient clinic sees many folks from other states, so it’s clear the benefits are worth the easy drive.

The Process: You’ve likely already found out the typical remedies for neuropathy are invasive, meaning shots, pills, or even surgery. But everything done at Complete Rehab is non-invasive or outside the body, using tools you won’t have access to outside of a medical facility. Possibilities include ultrasound, infrared, H-wave, cold lasers, iontophoresis, TENS Units, muscle stimulators, and more.

The Diagnosis: With over 35 types of neuropathies, identifying the specific kind you have will determine its likely progression. Peripheral is the most common, and patients may experience discomfort in one or more of the following areas: toes, feet, legs, fingers, hands, and arms. This means your peripheral nervous system has a hard time transmitting between your central nervous system and the rest of your body. No set of symptoms are the same, and neuropathy is not determined by age, race, height, or weight. Besides numbness, tingling, or pain, a patient may even experience neck or back stiffness, strength and endurance issues, restless legs, balance problems, fine motor issues, or even tennis or golfer’s elbow. 


The First Visit: At your initial appointment you’ll meet office manager Tammy Beeson Moore, who oversees the operations of Complete Rehab including administrative tasks, managing patient records, and working with other doctors in the community. You’ll learn patient referrals come from all over North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia, and the office has a VA contract so they provide service to retired military, as well as those on active duty.


The Puzzle That is YOU!: Brett describes himself as a problem solver – with the patient’s health, mobility, and quality of life the ultimate puzzle. His team figures out the pieces to your unique case, and uses their experience to find patterns. The last piece of the puzzle is training patients on what they need to do to keep their neuropathy from returning. Complete Rehab’s current team of seven includes two therapists on staff who have extensive orthopedic knowledge, and they are contracted with 10 different colleges and universities who send students here to train and observe.

Brett and his team work with the confidence that a visit to Complete Rehab can change your life: “We will only accept you as a patient if we believe we can help you, and there’s only a very small chance we can’t help you!”

Make an appointment with Complete Rehab by calling 336-778-0292, or online at Their office is located at 6000 Meadowbrook Mall, Suite 22, in Clemmons, NC. Hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


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