Chamberlain Place Apartments Join the Community!

Chamberlain Place Apartments, located just off Peace Haven Road at 6220 Chamberlain Place, is comprised of 220 apartments with five different models available to suit your lifestyle.  Families, retirees, and professionals starting out make up the residents who form the Chamberlain Place community.

Community is a fitting description.  T. J. Mosley, Property Manager, and the rest of the management team focus their attention on ensuring that Chamberlain Place is not just a place where residents come and go without getting to know one another.  No indeed.  The management team plans activities throughout the year, so that neighbors have opportunities to get together for meals, activities, and participate in community outreach.  “We usually have an activity planned each quarter,” T. J. explained.  “Most activities are planned for Saturdays to accommodate the majority of residents’ schedules.  If food is being provided, all we need is their RSVP.  We enjoy these get-togethers as much as the residents.” What are those activities?  Glad you asked!

For the Chamberlain Kids:

What’s Easter without an Easter egg hunt?  The date for the 2018 hunt is pending, so check the website; you don’t want to miss it.  In addition to finding all those carefully hidden eggs, there will be other give-away surprises.  So, get your baskets ready to go!

Halloween is a fun time for Chamberlain kids. Enjoy trick or treating through the neighborhood and don’t forget to drop by the office for a goody bag.  You might be surprised as you get off the bus—the staff members may be waiting at the bus stop to pass out treat bags! It’s happened before!

What’s summer at Chamberlain without fun at the pool? Typically, the pool opens around the first of May, once all the inspections are completed by the Forsyth County safety inspector.

Chamberlain Pets:

Chamberlain Place is a pet-friendly community (basic pet guidelines are provided on the website for reference).  Dogs have their own place to play and conduct their version of “meet and greet.” The area is fenced with pet “waste stations set-up for convenience and to keep the pet park nice for all residents.

Chamberlain Resident Activities:

The management staff hosts a Thanksgiving luncheon on-site.  Enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal with your neighbors.  Besides good food and fellowship, you don’t have to cook or clean up afterward—a win-win.  T. J. shared that last year they had over 50 residents enjoy Thanksgiving together.

Kids are not the only ones who love the pool. Traditionally, the staff hosts a pool party sometime after the 4th of July.  Food is either catered or grilled on-site. with plenty of giveaways offered and a DJ to keep the party going.  The fun usually starts around 11:00 am and runs until 4:00 pm.  Check the website or look for flyers with more details as the summer season starts.  Last year’s party had about 200 attendees.  Don’t miss out on the 2018 pool blast!

A nice surprise for morning commuters as they head out to work is the Breakfast-on-the-Go that the management staff offers on occasion.  The management team is gate-side by 6:00 am to give out chicken biscuits and bottled water to residents as they head off to work.

Community Outreach:

Chamberlain Place participates in several community-focused outreach programs.  There will be a Toys for Tots drop-off box in the office for those interested in contributing.  During the annual pool party, canned and non-perishable foods will be collected for the Second Harvest Forsyth County Food Bank’s summer program.

Chamberlain Place Apartments is a home and community to many.  Call for a tour.

For additional information or to arrange a tour of their model apartments, contact T. J. Mosley, Property Manager, at their main office number (336.794.7677) or visit their website (  Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm; and Sunday, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  You can also follow them on their Facebook page.  Join the Chamberlain Place community!



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