The Farmer’s Basket Presents the Kordick Family Farm

The open forum of a marketplace provides a refreshing getaway from shopping aisles.  Each venue offers a unique setting that may include activities for children, live entertainment, and an array of foods.  The curious shopper discovers she has direct access to fresh and locally grown fruits, herbs, flowers, and vegetables, dairy-based products, proteins, homemade goodies, and artisan-created, handmade crafts. In addition, the welcoming man or woman behind the table provides a small sampling of popular items.  Whether you are a first-timer or repeat customer, take the time to introduce yourself, ask questions, and inquire if owners receive visitors or have a farm store. Most likely, the answer is “yes” or “it’s coming soon!”

The Mailman Knows 

In 2009, Dorsey Kordick and her daughter, Brittany, arrived in Stokes County, North Carolina, ready to plant 850 hand-grafted heirloom apple trees.  Not the typical varieties found in grocery stores and marketplaces, but semi-dwarf trees with a long history dating back hundreds of years.  Dorsey, curious whether the old, supposedly lost Southern varieties still existed, posted fliers at local haunts.  Fortune arrived in the person of a well-connected man, a mail carrier, who offered to arrange introductions with Asbury community neighbors. 

The Old Apple 

Historians have knocked on doors to learn the stories of ten-thousand-plus long-standing heritage trees.  Of course, everyone is correct; a fruit tree often has a lengthy list of names.  Over time, one identity takes hold and becomes common.  Fortunately, the cuttings from scionwood, grafted onto a vigorous rootstock, can produce plentiful fruit once again!   Each of the 175 apple varieties, with names like Buckingham, Esopus Spitzenburg, Horse, King Luscious, and Lowry, for example, while now offering still unfamiliar tastes, currently boast a total of 1,800 trees in the Kordick orchard. 

If you seek to add a tree of history to your garden or orchard this fall, KFF will begin selling heirloom apple varieties at their store, at 1259 Joyce Acres Road in Westfield, and during autumn events.   

At the Farm Store 

Homeowners, hoping to save their precious spring buds and blossoms during below-freezing temperatures, use sheets as a layer of protection.  Orchardists, on the other hand, can only pray!  The Kordick Family Farm is just one of the many orchards impacted this year.  While apples and other fruits are not available, the farm has an abundant harvest of fresh produce and jars of delicious apple blossom jelly, apple butter, and Baba Yaga’s Apple Cider Syrup.  

Nothing signals the start of autumn like the arrival of pumpkins.  With a wide selection of fall decorations for sale, including Indian corn, corn shocks, gourds, and large and small pumpkins, KFF offers fall-themed sights, tastes, and experiences for everyone!    

Great Events: 

Join the fun: 

    • September 18th marks “Francisco FarmFest” along the Sunflower Trail.  One of the 12 stops occurs at KFF.  Expect demonstrations of antique engines, a tobacco stick mill, a display of barn quilts, and opportunities to buy fresh produce, plants, and sunflowers! 
    • On September 25th, stop by and visit KFF at the Historic “Bethabara Park Apple Fest.” 
    • Celebrate Halloween at the Kordick Family Farm on October 16th from 11 AM to 7 PM.  
  • December 10th and 11th, from 6 PM to 9 PM, the KFF hosts “Orchard by Candlelight.”  

Farm Store or Etsy

Rather than wait for a special event, you can obtain apple-based goods, fresh produce, and fall decorations by visiting the farm store.  Please call (in advance) 336-351-5186 or e-mail to schedule an appointment.  

Additionally, select goods are available by shopping, “KordickFamilyFarm” at

Stay Well-Informed 

News from the Apple Branch… is a monthly newsletter, brimming with current events, product availability, such as wild blackberry apple jam, and recipes that will certainly become family favorites! Sign up today at  

Next Month:  Borrowed Land Farm


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