Minute for Your Minister For the Win

In just about every great movie about football, there is the same, climactic scene.  The underdog team is struggling, and their coach is calling plays that everyone in the crowd disagrees with.  But, the coach ignores his fanatical detractors and sticks with his plan, leading his team to a miraculous championship win.  The same people who were once criticizing and bad-mouthing the embattled coach are now lauding him as a hero.

It’s a scene that plays out not only in many football movies, it also plays out in many of our churches. However, instead of a coach and a critical crowd, this scene involves a pastor and nay-saying members of his congregation.

Hopefully, your pastor was chosen to lead your church because he or she is educated, experienced and deeply connected to the Lord.  He has a plan for your church and dreams for her future. But, just like the underdog coach, he often has to deal with loud voices of criticism from detractors who do not share his vision.

If your pastor is “calling plays” that don’t make sense to you, maybe it’s because you don’t understand his plan for the church.  Maybe you’re not seeing the bigger picture. It’s worth sitting down with your pastor over a cup of coffee and asking him what his vision is for the church. Better yet, ask how you and your family can help make his dreams a reality.

Our pastors don’t need spectators; they need team members who will join them in winning the spiritual war within our churches, communities and our world.


This “Minute for Your Minister” is brought to you by Energize Ministries—providing encouragement, refreshment and recreation for your pastors and ministry leaders. For more ideas about encouraging your pastor, visit energizeministries.com. You can also find out about ongoing contests and opportunities on the Energize Facebook page: facebook.com/energizeministries.


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