This Halloween may look a little different than before, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will probably be more careful when trick-or-treating, getting candy from others, and going out in groups. Yet, many of us still hope for a somewhat normal Halloween. Whether you go trick-or-treating this year or next, it is important to be safe. Here are 14 tips to do just that.
- A favorite part of Halloween is dressing up in a costume. However, there are a few things to do to make them safer. First, decorate your costumes, candy bags, flashlights, and other items with reflective tape or stickers. Other options include carrying glow sticks. Light-color costumes also work best.
- Wearing the right size costume can make a world of difference. Baggy materials or outfits can cause people to trip and fall.
- Try to avoid full-face costume masks as much as possible. Instead, use face paint or makeup. A full-face mask can limit a person’s view of their surroundings. Now, if you are going out during a COVID Halloween, a face mask will be more than likely a part of your costume, but at least it won’t be a full-face one.
- Another costume tip is when you are buying Halloween makeup or paint. Always check to make sure it is nontoxic and doesn’t cause an allergic reaction. It may be best to test a small area of skin before applying it in large amounts.
- Always remove the makeup or paint once your family is home and before going to bed.
- When crossing the street, make sure to look in all directions before walking. Keep your electronic devices away. Always walk on sidewalks or facing traffic. If possible, use crosswalks and traffic lights for guidance.
- An adult should always accompany a child trick-or-treating and crossing a street. A good rule of thumb is for children 13 years or younger to be with an adult. It is up to every parent or guardian to determine the best age for letting their children go out on their own. If they do go alone, agree on a specific time for them to return home, as well as a route of the houses they will be visiting.
- To avoid confusion, it may be best to have a route already planned out for the entire family. Always be sure to stop by the houses of people you know and feel comfortable with visiting.
- Review with your children the tips of trick-or-treating in well-lit areas, sticking with others, and never entering a stranger’s home or car.
- Watch for cars and teach your child never to dart out in front of, or behind, a car.
- If you drive throughout neighborhoods where there may be trick-or-treaters, be sure to slow down and stay alert. Take extra time when coming to a stop, as well as pulling into driveways and backing out of them.
- Just as electronic devices should be put away for walkers crossing the street, they should also be placed in a secure spot while driving. Any distraction can cause problems for a driver.
- Always drive with your headlights on, no matter how early in the evening. Your headlights will work as a signal to oncoming traffic and people going from door to door.
- This trick has been passed down for many years. Don’t snack on your candy until you get home and can inspect it. For example, there may be loose wrappers that may raise caution signs or a chewy candy could be a choking hazard for younger children.
Halloween can be a fun night for all, but you must do it safely. When in doubt, always err on the side of caution, especially when celebrating during a pandemic. Happy Trick-or-Treating!
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