I Needed That: A 30-Day Devotion Book by Camilla Washington

Camilla Washington is a local pastor and now—author.  As the co-founder of Whole Man Ministries with her husband, Bishop Barry Washington, Camilla is a woman who cares deeply for others.  Born with deep-seated compassion to minister to others, Camilla is reaching out to the lost, encouraging the downtrodden, and offering hope to those who feel hopeless.

Her new book, I Needed That, is a tool to do just that.

Pastor Camilla shared, “As a woman, I know that we are natural-born caregivers, but we aren’t necessarily great about taking care of ourselves.  I know how hard it is to navigate busy schedules and the demands around us, but after so many years of trying to be everything to everyone, I stopped and asked the question, ‘Who encourages me?’”

“As I reflected on that question, my answer was easy—God.  But as important as my calling is, I have to take time to be still and listen.  So I wrote I Needed That for women, because we need that daily dose of downtime.  That daily opportunity to just be.  To breathe.  Reflect.  And take care of ourselves.  After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.”

Pastor Camilla’s book, I Needed That, is a 30-day devotional that is broken into bite-sized, manageable nuggets of wisdom, comfort, and encouragement.  “Every day is designed to be completed in just a few minutes,” said Pastor Camilla.  “Each day is designed to make sure women understand that there is Someone who believes in them and who has a plan for them. I want the readers of my book to know that I have prayed for them, and I continue to pray for those who purchase the book.  I want this to be a tool that women use to grow closer to God, but even if a woman isn’t a Christian, I want her to see the book as a tool to reflect and take some time for herself.”

“Additionally,” she continued, “every few days includes an opportunity to journal personal thoughts on a variety of questions or statements.  This is a great time to explore feelings of gratitude, identify blessings, and more.”

Since being published, accolades for the book have poured in.  “I have been amazed at what God has done with this book,” said Pastor Camilla.  “The local feedback has been incredible, but the book has even been distributed internationally.  I am humbled that God would use it in such a powerful way.”

In addition to the gratitude from women who have benefited from I Needed That, Pastor Camilla has also received endorsement from the international best-selling author of The 5 Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman.  Dr. Chapman wrote the foreword for her book; in his words, “These devotionals are designed to turn your heart toward God.  They are brief but powerful reminders that with God, we can face life with confidence.”

“My hope,” said Pastor Camilla, “Is that any woman who reads this will find herself developing better habits within her 30 days of reading.  Every woman needs encouragement—no matter who they are.  After publication, I sent copies to powerful women such as Vice President Harris, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, and Oprah Winfrey, knowing that they have such high-pressure occupations.”

I want to foster the belief that it’s okay to need some time to yourself and emphasize the importance of nourishing yourself spiritually.  And at the end of each day, I hope she takes a deep breath and says, ‘I needed that.’”

Learn more about Pastor Camilla Washington on her church website, WholeManMinistries.com.  Order your own copy of I Needed That on Amazon.


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