“From the Heart”

Despite the pandemic causing our normal rapid pace of activities to slow down…time has still managed to fly by. It’s September already, and I’m left wondering where time has gone! Good to know there is something that Covid hasn’t affected! Although, I think most anyone you ask would agree, we are ready for time to fly to a vaccine, to the end of social distancing and wearing a mask, to the end of this pandemic!

This marks the sixth “From the Heart” I have written since COVID-19. I just returned from my summer vacation with my family where we spent eight glorious days basking in the sun on Madeira Beach in Florida. Yes, Florida, I know, I know. Why would we travel there during the pandemic? But, this area is no more of a hot spot than where we live, and we drove versus flying! As you probably know, the Gulf Coast of Florida is my little piece of heaven on Earth. This year was especially sweet given that at one point when this all began, we had no idea we’d even get to go on a vacation. We originally planned to go to California this year but decided this was not the year to visit there. Spending such quality time with my family always reinvigorates me and gives me a renewed sense of purpose. I hope that you were able to vacation whether away or a staycation at home and re-charge your battery as well!

The September issue features the vision for the new Kaleideum building. It is a wonderfully creative design, and I can’t wait to hear more details about the interior and exhibits in the coming months. Kaleideum North and Downtown are amazing facilities, but bringing the two together in one building in such a fantastic location will enrich the experience tenfold. Construction is expected to start summer of 2021 with expected completion in spring of 2023. I’m very excited to spread the word about the new Sunflower Extravaganza at Kersey Valley. Be sure to check out page 5. It’s the first year and perfect timing when we are all looking for outdoor activities to enjoy. Kersey Valley also has the Corn Maize and Spooky Woods, which are fall favorites, not to mention a host of other activities, so make a day of it!

I pray you and your family stay safe and, for now, wear a mask!




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