Amending Soil with Fertilizers

The soil’s structure is vital to building a healthy garden. Each plant needs a nutrient-enriched environment comprised of vitamins and minerals. As leaves cover the surface, they offer a natural […]
7 Reasons to Choose Kitchen Tune-Up of Winston-Salem

They say the kitchen is the heart of the home. And with that in mind, you want it to be well conditioned and in great working order. But over time, […]
An Open Fire

“Nearly every culture on every continent, from Tasmania to South America to Ancient Greece, attributed their existence to fire,” ~ Scottish anthropologist, James Frazer Five thousand years ago in the […]
Unconventional Uses for Cookie Cutters

It’s a shame to think how many households at this very moment have a collection of cookie cutters stored away with the holiday decor. Cookie cutters of all shapes and […]
ProStone Granite & Cabinetry Beautiful Updates Await!

With just the mention of the word “home” taking on new meaning over the last year or so, there are endless reasons to want that retreat you enter at the […]
Weeks Hardwood Flooring Doing Business with Family Pride

While their business name keys you in right away that your hardwood floors will be in good hands, the savvy team at Weeks Hardwood Flooring always reminds potential new customers […]
Fall Planting

Standing. Thinking. Assessing. A gardener’s new beginnings require methodical plans. With its mild weather, rainfall, and lack of pests, October is one of the best months to take advantage of […]
Woodard & Company Asset Management Group: Why Quality and Diversification Matters to Investors

Woodard & Company’s “golden rule” sums up their philosophy of how they do business—”Always buy quality and diversify.”™ Their fundamental premise for investment is trademarked and is foundational to the […]
Yard Gone

The vividly green, lush landscape of grass has value to homeowners! It sends the message of care and order to any passerby. We don’t usually associate grass with thousands of […]
Potting Soil Recipes

Have you ever wondered whether there was a precise formula for garden success? For the garden alchemist, working with soils, fertilizers, and other natural amendments often is an experiment in […]