Brooke Notes: Publisher’s Perspective


I’m thrilled to present our April issue to you! April is always our Spring Home issue (our Fall Home issue is published in October) as well as the second of our three summer camp showcase issues (March – May).

Our cover this month is extra special. It features Ms. Hazel who is a Winston-Salem resident and Habitat for Humanity participant. I had the honor of meeting Ms. Hazel and touring her beautiful home during our cover shoot. The pride she feels (and has felt) for her home since the day they broke ground to build it is incredible. She scrolled through literally hundreds of photos and videos on her phone to show me a glimpse of the process and proudly told us that she stopped by every single day as it was being built. You know the feeling when you meet someone and they are simply a beam of light? That is Ms. Hazel. You can read all about her and her journey with Habitat HERE.

We had a great Kids’ Morning Out at Salem Gymnastics and Swim on March 13th – stay tuned for updates on our KMO events! For the foreseeable future, we’ll be hosting KMO events once a quarter. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter ( and follow us on social media (@forsythmags) to receive event reminders!

If you are on the hunt for things to do over the next couple of months, you are in the right spot! This issue is chock full of events coming up in April and May. Summerlark (featuring live music by CHRIS LANE!), Pretty in Pink Foundation’s Triple Crown Casino Night, Trellis Support Derby Party, Clemmons Community Day, Empty Bowls, LKN Magazine’s first-ever Tour de Boutique…and this just scratches the surface! I’m a big believer that supporting events such as these is one of the best ways to get involved with and support your local community. I encourage you to make plans to attend at least a couple of these events! I hope no one ever takes for granted the ability to attend in-person events with our community. It’s a blessing!

Wishing you a happy start to Spring!



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