Making an Impact: How Volunteers are Supporting Women Facing Unplanned Pregnancies


“I want to be a part of the solution.”

That’s the mantra of Angie, a volunteer serving at The Pregnancy Network in Greensboro, North Carolina. For her, getting involved with the nonprofit’s mission was a no brainer—especially in light of current events. As the nation swells with a variety of responses to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe, many women like Angie are searching for opportunities to provide practical support.

“We have to make sure each woman in our community knows she is loved, her baby’s life is valuable, and that there are resources available to help her walk through her unplanned pregnancy without fear,” says Angie. She gives of her time by fulfilling a variety of administrative tasks at The Pregnancy Network—tasks that ensure women get the quality care and resources they need.

The Pregnancy Network, a non-profit that exists to empower women to face their unplanned pregnancies without fear, has been serving the Triad of North Carolina since 1985. The organization provides pregnancy tests, limited OB ultrasounds, STD testing and treatment, pregnancy and parenting classes, material resources, community referrals, a mentorship program, and more—all at no cost to clients. 

Medical services are administered by staff registered nurses. But it’s volunteers who carry out many of the day-to-day administrative tasks as well as facilitate classes, serve as peer advocates, assist with organizing donations, and ensure fundraising events come together smoothly. 

“We like to say that we are volunteer-led and staff-supported,” says TPN Director of Partnerships Allison Herrington.

Lauren is a physician’s assistant who volunteers at TPN as a class facilitator. She is currently being trained as a peer advocate and recognizes the importance of men and women who give their time. 

“The more people we have supporting and working with TPN, the more women we can reach,” she says. In a world where as many as 4 in 10 pregnancies are unplanned and many women feel pressure to make a quick decision, a volunteer’s time can make all the difference.

For Lauren, it’s about coming alongside women and offering both compassionate love and practical support. “[We want to] show them that they aren’t alone,” she says. “There are resources and people who love and want to help support them.”

Rose, a volunteer nurse who administers STD tests and serves as a peer advocate, views her role at TPN as an undeniable link between love and action. “Women with unplanned pregnancies need to see the love of Christ through his people,” she says, “[and this] is demonstrated by providing support, resources, and mentorship.”

Carol, a retired school teacher who has served as an administrative volunteer every week for over a year, believes The Pregnancy Network is worthy of the time investment. 

“I am ever more impressed with the education, resources, and mentoring given to prepare women for motherhood,” she says. “All is done in a well-organized manner and with care and kindness.”

Current TPN volunteers feel confident that new volunteers are adequately prepared. 

“Attending a First Look class will give you a thorough overview of what types of volunteer opportunities there are as well as an explanation of TPN’s mission,” says Carol. The “First Look” is a monthly event offered by TPN at both Greensboro and Winston-Salem locations. This is the first step for all potential volunteers who are interested in getting involved.

Judy Roderick, Executive Director of TPN, has watched volunteer involvement multiply over the last 11 years. She believes it’s because community members want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. “No matter where you serve, every person makes an impact on the life of another.”

For Angie, Carol, Lauren, and Rose, it’s all about reaching more women with the love of Christ.

“The way the staff and volunteers love on the mothers and babies is a beautiful testament to the passion of this organization,” says Lauren. “It’s a reflection of the love of God.”

And their message for those who are considering getting involved? Don’t wait. 

“I would absolutely encourage anyone who is considering it to attend a First Look to see the many ways you can get involved,” says Angie. 

“You have a vital role to play in this mission,” says Roderick. “There is a place for you here.”

If you are interested in finding your place at The Pregnancy Network, you can get started by visiting their website at

Author Bio: Mary Holloman is the Communications Coordinator at The Pregnancy Network, where she has served in a variety of roles since 2012.


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