Piedmont Ear Nose & Throat Associates (PENTA) Audiology and Hearing Services “Your Hearing is Our Passion”

How is PENTA different from other hearing aid services?

Our credentials, training and experience are at the top of the field. Each of our seven licensed audiologists have completed either their master’s or doctorate level of education, making them the highest-educated individuals in the diagnosis, testing, evaluation, and rehabilitation of hearing loss.  Our scope of practice includes the diagnosis and treatment of auditory (hearing) and vestibular (balance) issues, as well as neurological monitoring.  We not only determine the cause of hearing loss but understand the importance of referring for further medical intervention when necessary. Another advantage to being a PENTA patient is that both your ENT and audiologist are under one roof.  This allows for better communication between the two most important providers when considering your auditory and vestibular needs.

How does PENTA work with my specific needs?

The fitting of hearing aids is not black and white.  It is a process that takes work and patience.  Finding a provider that you trust and have confidence in is crucial.  Open conversation between you and your provider is needed to best fit the hearing aids and set reasonable expectations.  Choosing to proceed with hearing aids implies you are ready to hear better and want to improve your overall quality of life.  As an adult you make this decision for yourself.  You will be doing the majority of the work.  Hearing aids are a change in your daily routine.  They need to be worn daily, even when you are by yourself.  As a parent, you will be doing most of the work for your child. Working with an audiologist provides you with the best chance of success no matter which age group you fall into.  

How does PENTA care for my family?  

Our ENTs and audiologists care for patients of all ages, from birth through end of life. Hearing loss does not just impact the individual.  Families, friends, co-workers are all affected by the loss of hearing and the changes needed to better communicate.  Selecting the correct treatment plan consists of evaluating the hearing loss, discussing the patient’s lifestyle needs and considering the financial aspect of the treatment.  Counseling is also a big part of an audiologist’s role.  Teaching realistic expectations and coping strategies to patients and their families help to set them up for success and ease the anxiety of the unknown.

How does PENTA view OTC technology?

With the changes to hearing aid availability that are on the forefront, it is important to understand that not all hearing aids are created equal.   Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids are designed to be a low-cost alternative for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss.  No hearing aid should be purchased or fit without first seeing an audiologist to determine the severity of the hearing loss or if there is an underlying issue that could be treated medically prior to being fit with amplification.  Should it be determined that you have a mild to moderate hearing loss and decide to purchase a set of OTC hearing aids, you should also return to your audiologist for verification testing.  This will make sure you are not over amplifying your hearing, thus causing further damage to your ears.

What sets PENTA apart from the others?

PENTA audiologists are passionate about your health, striving to provide superior customer service to all patients and their families.  By using our vast educational backgrounds and understanding the importance of both medical and evidence-based research, PENTA’s audiologists excel at developing comprehensive treatment plans for our patients.  We are here to help guide you through the process of understanding your hearing loss and present your best options for optimum health and well being.

We are conveniently located throughout the Piedmont Triad with our main office in Winston-Salem, with satellite offices in Clemmons, Kernersville and Mount Airy.  Learn more about our team at www.pentaaudiology.com or call 336-768-0886 to reach our audiology department directly.


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