Kids in the Kitchen: Easter Bunny Brunch

Spring has finally sprung! Easter seems extra early this year. Feel free to make these treats as an Easter celebration, or throughout the season as spring-themed dishes. With the season overwhelmed with candy, this feature offers some healthier options with fruit, yogurt, and oatmeal as well. The bunny bread bowl can be used to serve the dip outlined here, or for serving soup!

Bunny Cinnamon Rolls


1 can cinnamon rolls with icing (opt for the ones with strawberry icing if you can), or homemade cinnamon rolls

Pink food coloring (optional)

Pastel sprinkles

Pastel M&Ms candies


1. Preheat the oven according to package directions or the recipe. Remove and separate the canned cinnamon rolls and place on a prepared baking sheet.

2. Using your hands, pull the outside of the cinnamon roll, and curve it into two bunny ears, pressing in between the ears to secure it to the round part of the cinnamon roll.

3. Bake according to the directions on the can or recipe. If necessary, halfway through the cooking time, remove them and reinforce the “bunny” shape using a spoon, since they’ll be hot. Return to the oven and finish baking.

4.  Add a couple of drops of pink food coloring to the icing and stir until incorporated throughout. (optional)

5.  When finished baking, drizzle the icing in a zigzag pattern while the bunny rolls are slightly warm and immediately top with sprinkles. Add two pastel M&Ms for eyes and one for a nose and serve!

Bunny Bread Bowl with Veggie Dip

Bread Bowl Ingredients:

Bread, round loaf, unsliced (white, French, or sourdough)

2 chocolate chips

1 round pink candy, such as a gumball, jawbreaker, or M&M

1 large baked roll

Parsley or lettuce for garnish

5 toothpicks

Bread Bowl Directions:

1. Slice ¼ off the bottom of the smaller roll, leaving a back section to help it “perch” on the larger bread bowl as the bunny head. Set aside.

2. Cut off the top of the larger bread round in a “U” shape, leaving a perch for the bunny head roll. Slice two long slivers of the bread round top into bunny ears. Dig out the “U” in large pieces, saving some for the bunny tail in back.

3. Using a knife, poke a hole in the lower part of the smaller roll where you’d like the bunny “nose” and push the candy nose halfway into the bread. Use the knife to poke holes for the eyes and insert the pointy part of the chocolate chips in.

4. Using toothpicks, secure the perched roll onto the bread round and the bunny ears on top of the roll.

5. Roll a piece of the bread from inside the bread roll into a “bunny tail” and place it behind the bread round on the “head” side.

6. Place the parsley or lettuce around the bread bowl for garnish

Easy Catalina Veggie Dip


2 (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened

½ cup Catalina salad dressing

Sliced veggies of your choice for dipping: baby carrots, cucumbers, red peppers, yellow peppers.


  1. Blend together and place in Bunny Bread Bowl.
  2. Arrange the sliced veggies around the bunny bread bowl and serve!

No-Bake Easter-Egg Fruit Tarts


1 Banana, medium, sliced

¾ cup Blueberries

¾ cup Grapes, green (or Kiwi)

¾ cup Strawberries, sliced

1 cup Almond Butter

¼ cup Honey

2 cups Oats, dry
¼ tsp Salt

2 tsp Vanilla Extract

¾ cup Greek Yogurt


1. In a microwave-safe bowl, add almond butter, honey, vanilla, and salt. Microwave for 20 seconds, stirring until smooth.

2. Place 1 cup of the oats in a blender and blend until finely chopped, resembling flour. Set aside.

3. Add the remaining oats to the almond butter mixture and stir. Slowly add in the oat flour while stirring until it is dough consistency. Note: If your brand of almond butter is wetter, it will require more flour.

4. Take a spoonful of the oatmeal mixture and form into a small “egg” shape. Place onto parchment paper or foil. Repeat until all the dough is used.

5. “Frost” the egg shapes with yogurt. Top with the fruit in rows to make colorful “Easter egg” designs. Enjoy!



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