January 2021 “From the Heart”

Kicking you to the curb, 2020!  Never have we been so happy to say goodbye to the outgoing year!  We welcome 2021 with open arms and renewed hope!  I was asked to choose a word for the year from the Forsyth Woman team and while I’ve heard of folks doing that, I have to say I’ve not actually ever done it. I figure this is a great year to start, so my word is “restore!”  2021 will be a great year to restore a lot of things we hold dear!  Restore hope and confidence that we will come out better than ever once Covid-19 is under control.

I’m sure you get tired of seeing my photo above, so I’d like to take a moment to brag on my two grand-cats, Lola and Nala.  My daughters each adopted one the year I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  They both provided so much joy to me during that time and continue to do so.  A special thanks to my office assistant, Lola, who currently lives with me.  She is a pretty amazing typist and I can’t beat her fee—a few cat treats and she is a happy employee!  Thank you Nala and Lola, Mimi loves you so!

January cover features one of my oldest and dearest advertisers.  The YMCA of Northwest NC has truly been a beacon of hope in our community.  From providing daycare for essential workers when others had closed, to procuring food to those in need.  And they quickly pivoted to offering outdoor workout classes and online videos to help keep us in shape.  But their E-Learning opportunities were a game changer for so many students and their families.

Our January issue is always our Celebration issue with a pull-out calendar for the New Year to write in all your special days to remember.  Don’t forget to pull your copy out and use it as a resource all year long to plan the celebrations in your life!  Many thanks to our Celebration issue advertisers!

This marks the tenth “From the Heart” I have written since COVID-19.  I will be glad when I can stop counting the issues.  With vaccines being delivered and administered as I write this, I hope that by summer, we can return to some semblance of normal.  Until then, wear a mask and help your community get through these next few months!

Blessings and Happy New Year!




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