Summer is Coming – Baby’s Skin Needs Protection, Too


Parents with infants or expecting a new baby should be aware that babies can have skin issues, too. Though the following issues can arise any time of the year, they can be especially difficult for your baby during the summer.

Scratches on the skin: When infants are born, they often are born with long nails, and because infants cannot control their movements, they can accidentally scratch themselves. To help your infant, you should use an emery board and gently file the nails down. This is a much safer method than using nail clippers on your new baby. You can use a safe baby ointment to soothe any scratches your baby may have as a result of those long fingernails.

Baby Acne: Newborn babies can also develop baby acne. This is quite normal, and there is no need to use harsh scrubs on your infant. In most cases, this clears up on its own. However, after about four weeks, if you are not seeing the baby acne clear up, consult your pediatrician.

Drool Rash: Babies teethe between 4 and 7 months (some earlier or later), and as a result, they can develop a “drool” rash. This occurs when the mouth, face, and neck area are constantly wet. The area can become irritated and a rash occurs. Keeping a bib handy as well as changing your baby’s clothing if it becomes soaked around the neck area will also be helpful. In addition, a soothing, gentle baby ointment can also help relieve your baby’s irritation.

Baby Rash: Babies can also develop baby rash. It is important to change their diapers periodically. For many babies, this will be about every 2 hours. Many infants eat every 2 hours, so changing after each feeding can help a new parent keep diaper rash at bay. Please be discouraged from using fragranced baby wipes or even baby powder. Again, a gently soothing baby ointment will help in this instance as well.

Cradle Cap: Babies can also develop cradle cap. It, too, is quite normal. It is not contagious and usually clears up in 6 to 12 months. It is not necessary to pick or scrub cradle cap. However, if you feel compelled to do something, softly rub the head with a gentle shampoo, rinse well, and pat the head dry gently.

Sunburn: Your new baby should avoid long amounts of time sitting out in the sun. When you do take your infant out, be sure to use a safe baby sunscreen. It is recommended not to use sunscreen until they are six months old. If they are younger, be sure to keep them under an umbrella or covering that blocks the sun’s rays completely.

Remember, a baby’s skin can look and feel like the most perfect skin there is, but we have to take care of it. Damaged baby skin can not only be irritating to your baby, but it will be hard on you, as the caretaker, to see your baby uncomfortable if one of the above conditions presents itself.



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