The Offensiveness of the Gospel

As our world continues to fight amongst ourselves – arguing about who is wrong, who is right. Who is offensive and who has been offended. While we weigh pros and […]

TV Show Finales We Can’t Forget

Novelist James Clavell once said, “All stories have a beginning, a middle, and an ending, and if they’re any good, the ending is a beginning.” Stories are all around us. […]

Healthy & Delicious After-School Snacks

After a long season of being home, it’s time to get back into the swing of things when it comes to feeding kids. To support a fresh and exciting rotation […]

A New Milestone: Home Alone

It begins with a separation by walls inside the home and later extends to the outdoors.  Communication is still present, “I will be outdoors working in the garden.”  And then, […]

Don’t Sleep on Evolving COVID 19 Scams

Scammers are preying on uncertainty and financial hardship and adjusting their tactics to take consumers personal information and deplete their wallets. In the second quarter of 2020, the total loss […]

Herbs to Promote a Healthy Flu Season

The best prevention to ward off a potential illness is preparedness.  Not the sense of waiting until the first few sneezes arrive, coupled with an aching head and body.  Invest […]

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