The View from My Section – A Father’s Perspective – Unlocking Nature’s Secret to Healthier Living

During one of our late-night chats last summer, my adult son and I were discussing the concept of “grounding, or earthing.” According to research, it’s been found to be quite beneficial in many areas. It’s said to help improve your quality of sleep, reduce stress, boost your energy levels and improve mood. In addition, studies found “a reduction in white blood cells and an increase in red blood cells, which hints at better immunity” and allows for faster healing of wounds. The process involves “making direct contact with the earth’s surface and thus receiving its natural electrical charge.” The science behind the activity is described in this way. “The earth has a negative charge, while our bodies have a positive charge due to the buildup of free radicals and other toxins. When we walk barefoot on the earth, we allow the negative charge from the earth to flow into our bodies, neutralizing the positive charge and bringing balance to our systems.” Thus, using the earth’s natural frequencies to bring harmony to the body. In addition, it’s said that walking on the uneven surface of the grass provides natural acupressure, “stimulating various points on the soles of the feet that are connected to different organs in our bodies. This can help to improve circulation, reduce pain and inflammation, and stimulate the immune system.”

You can do this most commonly by walking barefoot in the grass, or as in the case of the local park or your backyard, you can lie down completely on the ground. The point is to make direct contact. There are also electronic devices sold to accomplish this indoors, for those who are not able to routinely get outside for one reason or another. A word of caution – be aware of anything on the surface that may cause injury, as well as, wash your feet thoroughly afterwards to avoid any potential exposure to harmful microorganisms  

My son felt – much like I did at first – skeptical, though he is very health-conscious with his exercise routine, diet and nutrition. I tried it out a few times by sitting in my yard and enjoying the nice weather (with my bare feet fully embedded in the grass). I can’t say fully whether the positive effect I felt from it was psychosomatic or real. Regardless, I did feel some positive benefits afterward (more energy and enhanced mood). 

One idea expressed for the need for grounding or earthing is related to how limited our time spent outdoors in nature has become for many of us. I know growing up without various forms of electronic entertainment made it easier for all the kids on the street to want to get outside and play games, sports, hike, camp and anything else. Today, it’s different.

My son and I agreed this may not be equally effective for everyone. Yet, it’s hard to argue with the natural positive feeling you receive when you can get outside and enjoy the weather, scenery, fresh air and other organic benefits of nature. It’s easy to get caught up in your daily routine and omit this important aspect of life. And, I’m not limiting this to simply the grounding or earthing approach. In lots of neighborhoods, many people have their daily walks or jogs. They eagerly promote the benefits of this habitual practice. Others are actively involved in regular outdoor activities, sports leagues and more. They naturally receive the health benefits of both exercise and nature in combination. I had one friend and coworker who went rock climbing several times a year. That’s a little out of my comfort zone, both physically and concerning the risks involved. He, however, was very experienced, well-trained and highly proficient in the skill.         

In my experience, being in nature (in various forms) also helps with your mental health. Have you ever been working on a problem and constantly hit a dead-end with no new ideas in sight? Then, you take a break and walk outside to clear the air so to speak, and suddenly, you’re able to see the problem differently and determine a potential solution much easier and faster than before. Or, visited the mountains or beaches and just sat and enjoyed the views, producing an almost quasi-meditative state. 

October in the Carolinas is generally a good time of year to enjoy the outside. The temperature is more moderate, the weather is more predictable, allergies can be less of an issue and problem critters are too busy preparing for winter to bother you as much. My wife and I agreed that if we didn’t have an outdoor routine by this month, we would start one. Whether it’s grounding, walking, going hiking or simply enjoying live outdoor music with bare feet in the grass, I’m looking forward to experimenting with it again.  

“Wow, look at the grass stains on my skin. I say, if your knees aren’t green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.” ~ Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes, 1992

Musical Selection: Micah Edwards – Getaway (Official Video)

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