June 2021 “From the Heart”

Hooray for our recent freedom from masks and social distancing requirements! Hooray for some more normalcy to our everyday lives! It’s been a long journey and one we aren’t quite over, but it sure feels nice to be on the road to recovery.  We attended the first WS Dash baseball game of the season on May 4th, and it felt great!

We had an exciting May celebrating our daughter Briana’s graduation at ECU. She’s officially a Family Nurse Practitioner now after three long years of hard work and dedication. She passed her boards back in January, so full steam ahead to employment. To say we are proud is an understatement. She constantly amazes me with her knowledge, and I’m quite sure she is going to get tired of me and the rest of the family asking her medical questions. Great job Bri, we love you so!

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads and dad-like figures! You play such a vital role in the lives of your families! I think back on the roles of fathers in my growing up years, and it’s so very different from today. All for the better, so way to go dads for being there right alongside mom for the highs and lows of parenthood! This is the first Father’s Day since my father’s passing. As mentioned previously, our relationship in his later years was far from what I had envisioned. So, I will try to focus on the fonder memories of earlier years. And, I will embrace these moments with my husband and the amazing father he is to our two girls. I will cherish the relationship I have with George Lemons, my mom’s friend who has become a father figure in my life and grandpa to my girls, as well. Fathers don’t have to be blood related to fill those special spaces in your heart!

June features Dr. Lor with Vivid Dental. What a fun group of folks! If you’re looking for a new dentist, check them out! Lots of wonderful articles are in this issue, and don’t forget to look for last minute camp opportunities in our Summer Camp at a Glance chart. Be sure to let them know you heard about them in Forsyth Family Magazine!

Happy 60th birthday to family friends Brian Holt and Butch Holland and a very happy 90th to my uncle, Wayne Hurst!





All Article in Current Issue

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