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Career Connections: Trade

We know the job marketing has significantly changed in the last few years. The Lewisville-Clemmons Chamber of Commerce has partnered with the Shallow Ford Foundation and Forsyth Technical Community College to create a unique series of events to connect employers with candidates who have a specific interest in specific industries.

To be clear – Career Connections is NOT a job fair. We recognize that not all industries are going to attract the same audience. Therefore, we are breaking Career Connections into five intentional sessions to focus on specific industries and their unique needs. Those five categories include:

• Trade (September 7)
• Education (September 14)
• Hospitality / Retail (September 21)
• Medical / Health (September 28)
• Finance / Insurance (October 5)

In addition to networking, these program days are designed to be educational, including a panel discussion from industry professionals who can share about the various opportunities in each industry.

We have also provided time for networking and one-on-one interaction between potential employers and job seekers.

The primary objectives of Career Connections are:
• To bring awareness of job opportunities in the community.
• To educate others on specific fields who have a high demand and need for employees.
• To connect employers with job seekers.

Visit the Lewisville-Clemmons Chamber of Commerce website/calendar for more information! Lewisville-Clemmons.com


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