From The Book Shelf: November 2018

Each month I spotlight two books guaranteed to delight readers and provide fun activities to further extend the meaning of each reading experience. With so many wonderful titles available, this […]
Say YES to Audiobooks!

“I cannot listen to audiobooks! I have trouble following along. It just doesn’t work for me.” If you have voiced one of the following statements, you probably have not given […]
The Montessori School of Winston-Salem Celebrates 45 Years

For four-and-a-half decades, the Montessori School of Winston-Salem, TMS, has been providing high-quality authentic Montessori Education for children and their families. Originally founded in 1973 in rented space of a […]
The World of STEM and STEAM

You may have heard the acronyms STEM and STEAM before, especially if you are a parent. These acronyms are used to describe educational curriculums that have risen in popularity. Currently, […]
From the Book Shelf October 2018

Each month, I spotlight two books guaranteed to delight readers and provide fun activities to further extend the meaning of each reading experience. With so many wonderful titles available, this […]
Developing Curious Learners with Science Every Day

BY PRISCILLA ST. JOHN On a sunny Tuesday morning, kindergarten students are sticking their tongues out and laughing. Rather than scolding them, their teacher is an active part of the […]
The Pressures of College – Alternative Learning Opportunities

One of the most popular questions young teenagers are asked in today’s society is, “Where do you want to go to college?” For some, this question can be incredibly stressful, […]
A Nightly Battle, Homework!

October! It’s only the second month of school, and already you are spending the evenings battling one topic, homework. While you may arrive at the point of insisting homework must […]
The Lonely College Student

Living away from home on a college campus away from family can be a lonely experience sometimes. Here is the prescription for the lonely college student, along with some reasons […]
Homework Hangups

When my kids were younger, our least favorite thing about the school year was homework. We could never get through a weekday afternoon without a homework meltdown. What frustrated me […]