Learning with a Purpose

Osmosis! Ah, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the superpower to receive knowledge just by merely touching a book? Instead, the number of pages in a chapter or the total […]
Homework Temper Tantrums: What Can I Do?

You are not alone! For many parents, the weeknight battle of what amounts to a temper tantrum over homework may lead to a contest of wills. Arguing, while it is […]
Appreciation for the Unsung School Heroes

You might be wondering why I am writing an article about teacher and school appreciation days when a new school year has just begun. The reason is because a school’s […]
Alarm Clock, Book Bag, Plan in Place – Check!

Changing from the relaxed, sleepy-eyed mornings to the forced wakefulness of a new schedule imposes unwanted stress on everyone in the household. With the mindset of capitalizing on the concept of […]
10 Ways to Encourage a Love of Reading

Reading is the cornerstone of every young child’s education, so one of the crucial ways to foster a love for learning is first to encourage your children to love reading. […]
Understanding Your Middle School Student
As a teacher, I’m often met with mixed responses when I tell people that I teach middle school. Some people view middle schoolers as being disorganized, moody, etc. Yet, these […]
The Power of “Yet”

BY PRISCILLA ST. JOHN One little word, only three letters long, is transforming Forsyth Country Day School’s first and second grades. Don’t say you don’t know what it is. Say, […]
Backpack Safety

BY JAMIE LOBER The American Occupational Therapy Association reports that more than 79 million students in the United States carry a backpack, and an estimated 55 percent of them are […]
Getting Ready for the First Day of Kindergarten

This August, lots of parents will face a very big milestone in their child’s life. The first day of Kindergarten. For most parents, this milestone approaches way too quickly. It […]
“Check It Off” – College Checklist

Saving & Budgeting Money College comes with numerous expenses: food, activities, textbooks and supplies, and so on. You must be financially prepared to take care of those expenses, because being […]