Straw Bale Garden Wonders

Finally, there is an answer to an organic gardener’s prayers—straw bales! It’s clever when you consider that this medium holds in moisture, prevents weed seedlings from forming, and is the […]
Don’t Sleep on Evolving COVID 19 Scams

Scammers are preying on uncertainty and financial hardship and adjusting their tactics to take consumers personal information and deplete their wallets. In the second quarter of 2020, the total loss […]
Will Habits Shift in the Post COVID-19 World?

While it’s hard to say which habits created by the pandemic will stick, it’s clear that consumer attitudes around digital services have accelerated. The importance of technology in helping Americans […]
JP & Associates: Home Projections

Undeniably, 2020 has proven to be the most unexpected year many of us have ever experienced. While the last few months have been challenging, there is light to be seen […]
Truliant Names Forsyth County Community Grant Winners

To provide funds to non-profit organizations more quickly in the face of operating challenges due to COVID-19, Truliant Federal Credit Union recently announced eight Forsyth County organizations will receive Community […]
Help Save the Monarch Butterflies

The miraculous, fragile creature is a sight to behold. It weighs about as much as a paper clip. In the Mexican forests, the branches of fir trees once bowed, ever […]
Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Arriving at a new city creates an instantaneous spectrum of emotions, ranging from overwhelming stress to the anticipation of meeting new people. With the convenience of online access, contacting municipal […]
June 22nd-25th is Pollinator Week!

Prepare to cheer on bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other beneficial creatures! National pollinator week is just around the corner! Through the study of pollinators, we can understand the relationship between […]
Introducing Southern Reflection Pool and Outdoor Living

When one spends 15 years in the world of NASCAR, they quickly learn the value and importance of excellence. After all, no one wins races by being average, right? So, […]
Which Came First, the Seed or the Plant?

“Fight or flight” is a defense mechanism in all living things. It is an acute reaction to stress that also affects systems without a brain or neurotransmitters. Plants, for instance, […]