Beat the Heat This Summer with These Cool Ideas for Littles – Don’t Miss Out on Outdoor Fun with Your Littles This Summer

August is typically the hottest month in North Carolina, but that shouldn’t keep you from enjoying the outdoors. I have two little ones – ages one and two – and know how hard it is to enjoy the outdoors in the best of conditions, let alone in the heat. But, since the outdoors provides so many benefits, like vitamin D and relaxation, I’ve found a few ways to keep everyone cool and happy, so we can keep our outdoor adventures even in the dog days of summer.  

Below are some of my favorite ways to have fun with the little ones outside and beat the heat!

Splash Pads

We are lucky to have so many splash pads in Forsyth County. If you haven’t been following along on my Play & Splash Destinations series – it started in May and runs through September – be sure to look at those for some splash pad options. Since there is no standing water at splash pads, it is a lot easier and less stressful for moms for little ones to play here. 

Water Play

Turn your back – or front – yard into tons of water fun. Water tables are great for toddlers and even babies when you hold them up to it. Another great choice is a baby pool. There are also many inflatables you can hook up to sprinklers that little ones will have a ball playing and splashing around in. 

Pedialyte or Fruit Popsicles 

If you aren’t a fan of your toddler having sweets, then the thought of popsicles is probably a turn off. However, there are alternatives to sugar-filled popsicles. We opt to get the Pedialyte ones as they are not only cold but help with hydration, as well. Another great alternative is making your own fruit popsicles. If you do a quick search online or on Instagram or Pinterest, you’ll find an abundance of ideas and ways to make those. 

Stroller Fans

Walks are vital when you have babies and toddlers. Honestly, it’s one way I keep my sanity as a mom of two little kids. In addition to taking walks in the coolest hours like early morning and early evenings, another great way to keep babies and toddlers cool on walks is stroller fans. My girls love these, and it keeps them from overheating on our longer walks. 

Shaded Solace 

A final way to beat the heat is to take solace in shaded areas at a park or your backyard. Simply taking your outdoor fun to the shade makes it feel quite a bit cooler. Be sure to also pick activities that aren’t as active to help avoid overexertion in the heat, as well. Two of our favorite shaded activities are blowing bubbles and drawing with sidewalk chalk.


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