Megan Taylor

Megan Taylor


Forsyth Magazines writer since 2015. Born in Texas, Megan was brought to North Carolina when she was only two months old. A recent graduate from Salem College, Megan has a degree in communication with a minor in history. She has a toy poodle named Gidget and, in her spare time, she loves cooking, music, reading and travel. Megan has also spent time in film, having appeared in two movies – an independent production and as an extra in studio film. “I love listening to an interviewee’s story and then sharing it with the community. Everyone has a story to tell, and I’m glad I can be a part of it,” said Megan.

The Power of Words

“Did I say the right thing?” “Do they understand what I meant?” These common phrases have crossed our minds many times and may have caused some worry as to how

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9 Must-Take Virtual Field Trips

It didn’t matter your age or grade level, field trips at school were always a fun time. Spending a day away from the classroom and exploring an exciting place, whether

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Articles By Megan Taylor

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