Transitioning From College to a Full Time Job

One month ago, I officially started my first full time job working in marketing after graduating from High Point University. At first, I was nervous about adjusting to working a full time job as I had only worked part time jobs before. Additionally, I had been so used to my rhythm in school and, naturally, I knew that this change in my rhythm was going to be uncomfortable. I believe that change can be a wonderful thing, but even when change is good, it can be emotionally difficult. Yes, I was excited to step into this new season of my life, but I also knew that it would take time for me to become comfortable entering into an entirely new profession. Now, after a month of working at my new full time job, I have some helpful tips that I have learned while giving myself time to adjust to this new season of my life.

  • Take one day at a time: As I have entered into a full time job, I have been focusing on taking one day at a time. Each day brings new things to learn, new questions to ask, new conversations to have and new opportunities to take. I have found it extremely helpful to focus on the present day instead of trying to map out the next few weeks of work. By only focusing on the present day, I have been able to be less anxious about the adjustment of moving from college to work, and I have had the opportunity to appreciate every little step I take in settling into my new job. 
  • Be patient with yourself: It is easy for me to hold myself to a high standard of needing to have everything “figured out.” When I was in college, I found my rhythm and felt comfortable in completing my schoolwork/attending classes. Now, in the workplace, I do not have everything “figured out,” but I am figuring out my new rhythm at work. I have found that I learn something new every day, and I am able to take that knowledge with me moving forward into the next day. I have to remind myself that I am in a time of change and, therefore, I need to give myself room to grow every day.
  • Embrace positive thinking: I have also found it helpful in my transition to think positively. It can sound a little cheesy to say “think positively,” but when I have made a mistake or feel frustrated, I can easily remember that everything will be okay. I can grow from my mistakes, and I can learn something new every day that will help me be successful in the workplace. For example, if I make a mistake at work, I will think to myself, “I can go back and fix that to make it right” which helps me feel less anxious versus thinking “I cannot believe I just made that mistake” which makes me feel more nervous. It can be difficult to always want to think positively, but when I start to focus on positive thoughts, I feel more at ease throughout my day. 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions: Being able to ask questions has helped me feel more prepared and knowledgeable at work. As a quieter person, it can be difficult for me to naturally talk a lot to people. However, as I have been in the workplace, I have become more comfortable with talking to people and asking questions. Asking questions allows you to be more confident in your job while also displaying your dedication to the job.

If you are reading this article and are transitioning from college into a full time job, I hope that this article will provide you with practical, helpful tips that will make your transition into the workplace a comfortable one. 


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