Finding Ways to Celebrate Reading this January

This January, there are a few varied reasons to celebrate reading. The entire month of January is known as “National Book Blitz Month” while January 23rd is “National Reading Day.” Both celebrations are aimed at promoting a love of literacy, from young readers to seasoned literary critics.

January is often a difficult month to find motivation to head outdoors due to inclement winter weather. This said, the entire month is the perfect time to cozy up with a new or old book and dive into another world. The creation of “National Book Blitz Month” is first aimed at having authors promote their books through a “blitz” style of marketing, to excite and encourage younger audiences to put down their smart devices and pick up a book. Sadly today, most younger generations have a lifestyle centered around technology. “National Book Blitz Month” is a way to channel our energy towards displaying to younger generations how they can find true joy through reading.

“National Reading Day” is a similar celebration of literacy. January 23rd is a day which encourages younger readers to put down everything and READ! Schools across the country feature diverse types of reading activities, from hosting a “read-a-thon” to inviting adult readers to the classroom to read their favorite books. In the end, both celebrations have a similar focus – fostering a love of reading for all.

Curious on what ways you can create a positive environment which encourages reading in your home? This can be either for yourself, or for a loved one. Read on for five different tips on how to embrace literacy this January.

Love of Literacy Tip #1: Create a “Book Nook.” Again, this does not have to only be for younger audiences. Find a cozy area of your home, and make it conducive for reading. This can be a comfortable seat near a window, or even a corner of your room, where you can set up some pillows and blankets. The main idea here is to make sure to include several books in the area, adequate lighting as well as highlighters, a notepad and pencils (if the area will be used for studying).

Love of Literacy Tip #2: Take it Outside! While we have discussed how often January is not ideal for enjoying the outdoors, if the weather cooperates, consider taking a few warm blankets outside, a cup of hot cocoa, coffee or tea, and head outside! Reading outside is a wonderful way to enjoy fresh air and the sounds of wildlife, while also escaping into a new read.

Love of Literacy Tip #3: Include the Entire Family. The purpose again of literacy celebrations throughout the year, is to encourage everyone to read. This said, make sure to include all members of the family in your own literacy celebration. At schools, teachers will often “drop everything and read” with their students during a read-a-thon. Do the same at home. Create a time for all to sit down, pick up a book and enjoy taking a ride into another reality, together.

Love of Literacy Tip #4: Bring the Theater Home!Reader’s theater” is a wonderful way to engage younger audiences up through high school to become specific characters within their favorite books. No script is needed. Simply establish one person or two to be the “narrator,” then pick other members of the family to read the dialogue of various characters. The beauty of “Reader’s Theater” is that it is up to you how elaborate you would like it to be. If reading a shorter book, consider even creating a set for certain scenes where younger members can help with painting and creating the stage.

Love of Literacy Tip #5: Join or Start a Book Club. Being a part of a book club is a sure-fire way to read new books, which you may have not originally selected. Signing up for one also helps you gain insight on new subjects, not only from the book, but from the discussion of the book the book club creates, as well. There are countless reasons for joining one – from joining one to meet new friends, to joining a religious book group, book clubs are also healthy outlets for exploring a subject, while also offering new friendships.


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