A Toast to Our Non-Moms | Raising a Glass to the Women Who Make Us Better

Today we are raising a glass to, and toasting, the incredible women in our lives who never needed to give birth to us to love us unconditionally and mold us into better people.

Women just like you.

You may be like a second mom to us, always being there when we need another ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. An amazing aunt or grandmother who always believed in us. A pastor who never fails to see exactly what’s on our hearts. Perhaps you came into our life at a time where we needed it most, but didn’t even know it. Life may have had you replace the mother we never had and fill a hole that needed filling so deeply with your nurturing and love. You could be our best friend’s mom or our even our step-mother—ready at a moment’s notice to make us laugh, or let us vent.

So we’re raising a glass to you this Mother’s Day and saying “Thank you” for all of the things you’ve done and continue to do that make us the best version of ourselves.

Things like….

Loving Us Just the Way We Are

We feel like we’re a hot mess more often than not as women, but one of the blessings of having you in our life is having a come as you are policy. From the start of our relationship to now you accepted us as we are and that had made all the difference.

Showing Up When We Need You

Sometimes we just need to laugh or have a good cry, or have someone to tell us if we’re being crazy or not after venting about everything and anything that’s going on in our lives. You always show up when we need it most and keep it real. Never telling us what we want to hear, but what we need to hear instead. That is what helps us continue to bloom and grow as people.

Encouraging Us and Keeping Us Accountable

The imperfections that we see in ourselves and obstacles we find all-too easily can sometimes get in the way of seeing what we’re capable of and how valuable we are. You never let us linger there too long when you’re around, and continue to motivate us to raise the bar.

As they say, “not all heroes wear capes.”

Teaching the Life Lessons We Need Most

Learning to navigate the seasons in life that aren’t always easy, and celebrating the ones that deserve our happiness has taken place, in part, because of you and the role model you’ve been.  You’ve made us understand the impact that one woman can have on another and taught us the importance of being in that same role for someone else in our life who needs us.

Being There the Way That Only You Can

You stepped up and you stepped into our lives without any hesitation, even when we weren’t yours to mother. You carved out a special space in your life when nothing and no one told you that you had to. You never make us feel like an obligation, but a joy. And it is this that makes you extraordinary and memorable this Mother’s Day and every day.

Thank you for all that you are and all that you’ve done for us.



If you have someone in your life who has been there without hesitation and stepped into that motherly role without ever needing anything in return, I encourage you to share this article with them this Mother’s Day, and remind them just how important and special they are to you.



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