A Sweet Ending: Key Lime Cheesecake with Strawberry Sauce

Summer is in full swing with long, hot days and cookouts with family and friends. There’s nothing like topping off an afternoon of grilling out with a dessert that’s both […]
Dining Guide – August – Best Takeout In Town

With summer beginning its downswing, we are thinking about what to cram into these last precious weeks with our kids, how much we have to do before school starts again […]
Kids in the Kitchen: Unexpected Waffle Iron Recipes

Sometimes the hardest thing about cooking an omelet, a grilled cheese, a quesadilla, etc., is the flipping! Using a waffle iron to make these unexpected dishes takes the “flipping” risk […]
Family Trip Idea: Go Chasing Waterfalls

If you’re looking for adventure, a trip to the NC mountains to see waterfalls always makes for a great day or weekend trip. Especially since there are more than 300 […]
The Empty Nest

“Some people believe that holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let […]
It’s A Grand Life – Travel Time!

So, you know how at the end of the Super Bowl they ask the winning quarterback what he’s going to do now and his answer is always, “I’m going to […]
Signature Chefs Auction Benefits March of Dimes

If there are two things that the March of Dimes knows how to do, it’s throw a party and guide moms-to-be through every stage of pregnancy to ensure a happy […]
Keep On the Sunny Side: The Storytelling Church

Summer reading lists have always been a staple in my annual routine—as steadfast as turkey on Thanksgiving and Frasier Fir hunting in December. As a child, the blissful freedom from […]
My Grace-Full Life: What Will Be Your Legacy?

Fun fact for you: August is national “What Will be Your legacy?” month. It’s a pretty profound question. Let’s start with the basics, so we can all be on the […]
Minute For Your Minister: The Life of Riley

Have you ever heard the expression “Life of Riley”? It’s used to describe someone who lives a carefree, luxurious life. Lots of people assume that pastors live the “Life of […]